St Margaret'sC of E Primary School

Curriculum  »  PHSE  »  Year 6

Year 6 PSHE Overview
Autumn 1 Unit Families and Relationships

Understand that everyone can expect a level of respect but this can be lost. Understand what respect is and how they should be respected. Understand how stereotypes influence our ideas and opinions. Understand a range of stereotypes and share this information effectively. Create a resolution guide that includes strategies to manage conflicts and describes situations where conflict is likely to arise. Understand the term grief and describe some of the associated emotions.

Autumn 2 Unit Health and Wellbeing

Describe qualities or values they want to develop and create achievable goals. Describe the importance of relaxation and suggest different strategies. Describe how they take care of their physical wellbeing. Understand that technology can have an impact on physical and mental health and know some strategies they can use to overcome this. Describe what resilience is, why it is important and some useful resilience strategies. Understand how vaccination works and why it is important to individuals. Understand that habits can be good or bad for health. Understand that changes in their body could indicate illness and know what to do if they notice them.

Spring Unit Unit Citizenship

Understand that education is a human right and why education is important. Understand some environmental issues relating to food and food production. Understand the importance of caring for others and that we all have a responsibility to care for things and people around us. Understand what prejudice and discrimination are and why and how they should be challenged. Understand the value of diversity in society, including significant individuals. Understand the roles and responsibilities of people in government.

Summer 1 Unit Economic Wellbeing

Understand feelings about money and the impact they can have. Explain how to safeguard money in both digital and physical environments. Know the money changes when moving to secondary school. Understand the risks of gambling. Explain how careers function in different settings and what roles and responsibilities come with them. Explore different career routes and their requirements. Transition focus: Helping pupils prepare for the transition to secondary school, including exploring any worries or anxieties they may have.

Summer 2 Unit Safety and the changing body and Identity

Understand some of the reasons adults decide to drink or not drink alcohol. Understand some ways to check that a news story is real. Understand how they should behave online and the impact negativity can have. Understand of changes that take place during puberty. Understand the menstrual cycle and that a male and a female are needed to conceive a baby. Understand that a baby changes in the womb and some of the baby’s requirements during the first months of life. Recognise when someone is choking; administer first aid to a casualty that is choking; and seek medical help if required for a choking casualty. Conduct a primary survey; place a casualty who is unresponsive and breathing normally into the recovery position; and identify when it is necessary for CPR to be given. Understand the factors which make up identity. Understand that images can be manipulated by the professional media but also by individuals and that they are not realistic.